Labels:text | cartoon | screenshot | human face | graphic design OCR: SPORTS sion was gracious. "Beijing's failure to win the bid, no matter how dis- appointing to our countrymen, can serve to motivate the Chinese peo- 695 ple to make new efforts in the spi- rit of the Olympics," the English- language China Daily said in an editorial. Congratulating Sydney the newspaper hoped that the 2000 Olympics would be "a success". Earlier, it was reported that Syd- led in all the first three rounds of ney and Manchester had made a secret pact to back each other ra- voting. Then a shift in European ther than to let Beijing win. Syd- support helped the Australian city. ney's Sun-Herald reported on Sep- Eight of the 11 who had voted for tember 19 that the two cities would Manchester in the third round co-operate-whoever was eliminat- of voting supported Sydney, ed in the early rounds of voting which ended with 45 votes to would support the other-on the Beijing's 43. One of the 89 voters premise that their combined votes abstained. would overwhelm Beijing. China played down its disappointment at losing In July 1993, the US House of Representatives the bid by calling upon Beijing and its citizens to passed a resolution urging American represen- try again to make their Olympic dream a reality. tatives on the IOC to vote against Beijing because The government's initial reaction to the IOC deci- of the Tiananmen incident and various human